Sandra Tsing Loh performs for Getty Multicultural Summer Interns at 1998 Art Bus Tour
1996 - 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Educational Programs & Conferences
Educational Programs & Conferences

Getty Summer Undergraduate Arts Internship Program

In 1996, CARS was approached by Getty to help them rethink their two year-old undergraduate internship program which had previously been run with the support of ARTS Inc. CARS completely redesigned the series of educational activities that each intern experienced throughout the summer. CARS created smaller groups for the interns to facilitate networking both with each other and their group mentor who was typically in the guise of an arts professional. Smaller groups enabled students to see other leadership styles beyond their direct supervisor and provided additional networking opportunities. Finally, CARS designed four days of activities over the course of the ten weeks to structure the program. This series of activities began with a general meeting, leading to a field trip with mentors and their assigned groups, then a tour of a specific part of Los Angeles selected by CARS to highlight the site-specific cultural and artistic strengths and culminating with a "career day" offering a wider view of the art world and of Los Angeles' cultural scene.

CARS ran Getty's Summer Undergraduate Arts Internship Program's educational events from 1996 through 2008. In 2000, the County Arts Commission of Los Angeles created a parallel internship program that adopted the same educational template that CARS had developed. The structure of the Getty Summer Undergraduate Art Internship program that CARS developed are still the warp and weft throughout Getty and County programs today, nearly thirty years later. CARS provided educational programming for the County interns from 2000 to 2019.

Getty Summer Undergraduate Arts Internship Program Getty Summer Undergraduate Arts Internship Program
Getty Summer Undergraduate Arts Internship Program Getty Summer Undergraduate Arts Internship Program