The Hermione's Voyage to Castine
Castine Historical Society
Castine, Maine
Events & Festivals
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Events & Festivals

The Hermione's Voyage to Castine

In anticipation of the arrival of Lafayette's Frigate of Freedom, the Hermione, Community Arts Resourcse (CARS) planned and produced a five-day celebration that welcomed the replica of 18th century historic ship to her final U.S. port of call at Castine, Maine leading up to Bastille Day in July 2015. 

The family-friendly cultural celebration kicked off on July 12 with the official opening of an exhibit educating attendees about the adventures of the replica frigate at the Castine Historical Society,the designated host of the Hermione's visit. As the weekend unfolded, interactive workshops, storytelling, and outdoor film screenings were held on the Town Common; historical and maritime lectures were hosted at the Maine Maritime Academy; and Fort George, a Maine historical gem, was the location for
Revolutionary War reenactments. The waterfront festivities also featured the many traditional Mainegroups (Acadian, English, Franco-American and nautical), music and dance performances, localartists, fireworks, local cuisine, foodways and a marketplace of vendors, including Castine merchants and Maine-made products. Ship deck tours of the Hermione were also be available.

More than 235 years ago, the original Hermione embarked for the colonies to bring word of Frenchmilitary support to the colonists during the American Revolutionary War. After delivering the news, she traveled north to Maine, at that time part of Massachusetts, on a reconnaissance mission to assess the British forces occupying the strategic town of Majabigwaduce, later Castine.

The Hermione's Voyage to Castine The Hermione's Voyage to Castine
The Hermione's Voyage to Castine The Hermione's Voyage to Castine