2009 - 2016
Across Los Angeles, CA
Events & Festivals
Public Space Planning
Active Transportation
Community Engagement
Branding, Marketing & Identity
Events & Festivals


Inspired by ciclovía, the original, weekly street closure event in Bogotá, Colombia, CicLAvia opens Los Angeles streets to pedestrians and bicyclists, creating a temporary web of public space on which residents of LA can walk, bike, socialize, celebrate and learn more about their own city. As part of his Durfee Fellowship program, Aaron Paley and Community Arts Resources (CARS) began work with a steering committee in the spring of 2009 to bring the event to Los Angeles. As the event producer of the pilot CicLAvia event on 10/10/10, CARS worked closely with the steering committee, the City of Los Angeles Mayor's Office, the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation, the Los Angeles Police Department and the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services to make CicLAvia a reality.

CARS produced and implemented 17 CicLAvia events, each attracting over 100,000 participants from all over the world. CARS assisted in taking more than 100 miles of streets from cars, opening them up to pedestrians, bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, wheelchairs and more, in neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles like Echo Park, Koreatown, Venice, Leimert Park, Boyle Heights and Koreatown to name a few. In partnership with local organizations, CARS also co-produced CicLAvia Explores, a series of smaller, car-free activities that venture into neighborhoods that CicLAvia routes had traveled. CicLAvia continues to grow as its own nonprofit organization based on the template CARS developed, providing opportunities for Angelenos to explore neighborhoods in a whole new way.

CicLAvia CicLAvia
CicLAvia CicLAvia